Children under 10 cannot sit the Mensa supervised test. They must use an assessment from a registered psychologist using one of the Mensa accepted tests.
A list of the accepted tests are available here and the Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) or General Ability Index (GAI) listed on the test must be at a minimum in the 98th percentile. To make an application you must pay for an application form and the registered psychologist who undertook the testing must complete the application. They then send the application to the Mensa office and our consulting psychologist evaluates the form. The cost for the form and the evaluation is $40. Click here to request a Psychologists Form
Children aged 10 years and over may either:
Take the Mensa supervised entrance test (which is an IQ test). This costs $40 and testing sessions are usually held 4 times a year in the Capital cities and other places on request. Click here to register for a Supervised Test
or use the same process for children aged under 10 noted above.
The fees mentioned above cover the cost of testing and evaluation by our consultant psychologist. If an invitation to join Mensa is issued, annual fees are payable to become and remain a member. Currently these are $44 for a child or $30 if another family member is also a member of Mensa..